Boy how time flies! It feels like just yesterday I was nervously anticipating my wedding day to my highschool sweetheart. With our 2nd Anniversary days away, (June 29th to be exact) the amazing hubbie suprised me with a night stay at Amethyst Inn B&B in Adamstown, PA. I know your thinking, "What's there to do in Adamstown, PA?" Well since you asked, it happens to be the Antique Capital of the US and I happen to adore shopping for used treasures. But that's not the best part! The Renninger's Extravaganza is this 24th, 25th, and 26th in Adamstown and Kutztown, PA. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about spending a romantic night away from home with my husband, but equally excited about the antiques! Pictures from the B&B and Extravaganza to follow.
Jacklyn Lorraine
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